Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Entry the Nineteenth

Cammie's Story ~ The great butterfly adventure!

Oh hi there! I've been a busy Fen lately and have fallen behind in recording my adventures. *fwaps self*
Soooo we had lots of fun storming the Ruined Castle on this week's Open Hunt! A few of us were kissed by a purdy golden butterfly before we left, which I took as a sign of good luck.
The several boosting Mystics mighta had something to do with it too...
We were doing very well mowing down the hordes of smelly Trools!
Well, mostly anyways.
Now I don't know if Trools have unusual taste in pets or if it's a by-product of their atrocious housekeeping, but this cave was infested with nasty Myrms!
Standard Butterfly Formation B: it's super tactical, I swear! Unfortunately, it proved suicidal in the end. The butterflies (and most of the group!) ended up falling to the pesky Myrms. We lay fallen for a very long time, myself all alone in a dank corner. *sniff*
At last we were rescued by my brave Clanmate Torin (who departed :( ), my favorite Fen healer SuuuuuuubIII, and many more! We were rewarded for our bravery and compassion, though I was pretty much just lyin there decomposing the whole time. Our rescuers were brave and compassionate indeed! Tankies!! :)
After the Open Hunt, the butterflies fluttered on to other hunting grounds.
This took forever, but you try chopping down a tree with butterfly wings!
Lastly was a trip to the very creepy Ash Island *shudder* to kill some more insect... thingies. I think they were called Scarmises.
Tanks much to Astraea's mad 'zu planting skills, this was a piece of cake! And I'm not even gonna mention what else she does with the 'zu!
We win! Butterfly power!!

Til next time,~ Cammie

Monday, January 19, 2009

Entry the Eighteenth

Cammie's Story ~ Spiders and Darshak spies, oh my!
I went on two expeditions recently that were quite exciting. The first was a mission to rescue this guy Tennybrion (he must be important cause he has a whole island named after him!) from the clutches of the foul Darshak. And when I say foul, I mean it. Personal hygiene is definitely not high up on these guys' list!
Charge! Er, retreat! Not even our large group of exiles could hold off the waves of uber-tough Darshaks. Clearly, they'd been alerted to our mission and were ready for us.
That just seemed to make them angrier...
At least it wasn't a total loss!
Hopefully we'll try again and be more sneaky and stuff next time!
The Open Hunt took us back into the scary spider caves so more folks could study the pathfinding books. This trip requires a lot of tactics and stuff.
The most awkward prom EVER. Quick, someone spike the tangleberry punch!
These sticky webs make even the most fleet-footed of us fall down. Not to mention they take forever to get out of your fur.
Despite all the webbing, the expedition was a success! With the large group of exiles we managed to defeat the Pitch cave that had defeated us last trip.
A strange sight upon arriving back in town. No one seemed to know what it was, so I decided on "kitty toy."

Til next time,~ Cammie

Friday, January 16, 2009

Entry the Seventeenth

Cammie's Story ~ Out 'n about!
Well I made my first step towards becoming a Ranger this week. I'm the proud owner of a shiny new Gossamer! While I don't have the power to wield it properly yet, I love the acrobatic balance it gives. You almost wouldn't notice what a clumsy kitty I am!
Smitty didn't seem to understand my enthusiasm. Pssh, crankly old man! He really needs to get out more! Speaking of getting out, here are a few of my recent adventures:
With patience, two new 3rd-circle fighters and one awesome Thoomy healer can defeat the fierce Blind Amphibia!
After the hunt, I got to tour Blindkan-C's house and see the trophy displayed. It's now a very fierce trashcan!
Hmm maybe I should change my journal name to Better Homes and Gardens, or possibly Puddleby Cribs?
Yeah this is a fairly typical end of a hunt, this time in Snagglywood. It took ages to remove all those snaggly bits from my tail!
Finally I joined some Clan members for a stomp through the Valley. Now I got the feeling this was a leisurely stroll for them, but for me it was super intense warfare!
Here's a sketch of me lightly tapping a Sasquatch on the butt and sending him to bed without dinner. Yeah, I'm bad. Unfortunately I wasn't able to get more sketches, cause it was tough out there!
Tankies to Natas, Noivad and Creed for keeping me alive. It was fun and we emerged victorious! Tuska OWE!

Til next time,~ Cammie

Monday, January 12, 2009

Entry the Sixteenth

Cammie's Story ~ Icky sticky Myrm guts!
This week's Open Hunt took us back to the Mountain Glen, but this time we tackled some Myrms on steroids. We had quite a mob, and boy was it crowded in the hive!
I like you guys, but not THAT much!
The Queen Myrm had more spacious accomodations. Ah, fresh air! Well, fresh air and Myrm guts.
If you're wondering why Kalian was dragging smelly corpses around for the whole hunt, here's the answer. He offered us a tour of his cozy home after the hunt!
This sketch doesn't even begin to do it justice. The critters pop out at you like a funhouse!
I really really really really really don't wanna know what he does with those.

Til next time,~ Cammie

Entry the Fifteenth

Cammie's Story ~ My quest to become Puddleby's most badass Ranger/dentist begins!
Don't laugh, I can be very badass. Grrrr! See?
Anyways, since passing 3rd I've started experimenting with some Rangery... stuff, and training super hard with Dentir. Jade Arachnoids are perfect training for my toothy studies. Probably because they have reeeally long sharp teeth!
A particularly brutal night in the Noid mines. Our entire party fell twice, most of us three times (all but our super-healer Suu'ub III, I believe)!
Lots of time fallen leads to TMI.

Til next time,~ Cammie

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Entry the Fourteenth

Cammie's Story ~ I suck slightly less now!
That's right, I have passed 3rd circle at last.
After months of taunting, finally some grudging respect from Honor. And a pretty new belt too. :)
So of course the proper way to celebrate is to get very drunk and carry on in town! We had a small, but fun party.
That keg was befuddling!
Til next time,~ Cammie

Entry the Thirteenth

Cammie's Story ~ Stomp stomp!
This entry begins a new chapter in my exile, as I've been welcomed into The Order of the White Elephant! I am excited and honored to say the least. I'm sure I wasn't chosen for my awesome fighting skills, so it must have been my charming personality, frisky feline cuteness, or unrivaled modesty! ;) Anyways, tanks for making me a part of the family. Tuska OWE!!!
After just narrowly failing my circle test last week (I shall pass this week for sure!), I made an important training decision. I've decided to become a student of that toothy fen Dentir Longtooth. Hopefully as I advance in my training I can be of service to my new clan, and enjoy the personal enrichment of a new skill. There is so much I want to learn!
Here are some sketches of the busy day of my Clan induction!
It started with the Open Hunt to the Ethereal Forge. Or, what Maeght said:
Now I hear "Ethereal" I think puffy clouds, some harp music, maybe a unicorn or two... not ugly skeletals and big things with gnashy teeth!
I think I was mildly useful on this hunt, as my broadsword sliced through many an Ethereal Slug (and required a thorough de-sliming afterwards).
This humble looking hut is the Forge itself. Tanks to the Mystics doing... whatever Mystics do and my new clanmate Noivad, I now have my very own Ethereal Amulet.
After all the Amulets were forged, we headed back to town. I met with the Sheriff and other OWE members in his office to find I had been accepted into the Clan. :) So happily we went off to the Clan house... to find this! Tearers, Rippers, and other violently-named critters had invaded the walls of Puddleby!
Falling on the way to the Clan house, it was hard not to see the humor. :D
Huzzah! May my little fen feets make a mighty STOMP! STOMP!
Til next time,~ Cammie

Entry the Twelfth

Cammie's Story ~ Action and culture!
After an epic (and mildly drunken) night in the Rank Palace, I finally got a new message from Atkus: "there is not much more I can teach you." Oh if only he knew! But I was very excited. And I saved up enough coins to buy a broadsword! So feeling quite badass and swaggery, I joined the Open Hunt at the Mountain Glen.
Well at least the ground was particularly soft and lush!
Unfortunately the Trool things didn't get the memo.
Annnd we're attacked by something that looks like a Jello mold.
Nope, not my best day. But the Open Hunt is always fun anyway! :)
The day before, I took in an afternoon of theater courtesy of the Puddleby Players. A little culture is always nice in between bashing stuff!
The opening act is escorted offstage before the fruit starts flying.
The play was wonderful! Something about Bawkmas, and chickens, and the true spirit of giving (I think). I laughed, I cried, it was an emotional rollercoaster. I give it two paws up!
I thought Stora outacted everyone. He has a quiet charisma that just oozes off the stage! Or was that his injuries?
Til next time,~ Cammie

Entry the Eleventh

Cammie's Story ~ Bawk Bawk!
Bawkmas has come to Puddleby, the season of good cheer, eggnog and chickens!
Town was decorated beautifully and there were many yummy treats to be had.
Even the Noids were in the holiday spirit!
A cold and snowy area appeared in North Field, full of many fierce critters. Fighting there reminded me of fighting the Rage in the circle test, except each whiff was an arctic blast! brrr!
Cammie got run over by a Snowbuck. (Sorry, I couldn't resist. :P)
We were rescued by none other than Santa Chicken himself! But there seemed to be some dispute over the lack of presents.
In Round One, we have Chicken vs Zo!
Time for some revenge. Take that, umm, snow vermine!
Merry Bawkmas everyone :)
Til next time,~ Cammie