Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Entry the Fifth

Cammie's story ~ Stuff that's there now that wasn't there before
After my whiffapalooza with the Rage in the circle test, I decided to go back to training with Atkus. I plan to keep training with Atkus and Swengus (to maintain my four swings) until I pass the test. Then, who knows? I would like to learn at least basic pathfinding but I can't seem to find the Marsh Hermit who teaches it.
The marsh is still dank, and I'm still always lost.
Now on to the title of this entry, stuff that's there now that wasn't there before!
There's this, in east field:
Some kind of altar? Does Farmer Gronmad sacrifice virgins in his spare time or something? Good thing I'm not a - oh, wait. *blush* Now I can't say for sure I hadn't seen this before, since I don't spend a lot of time hanging out in east field with the smelly dead guys, but I sure don't remember it.
Undine need a bathhouse like seriously!
On to South Forest:
Some sort of ethereal thingy?
But the biggest changes I saw close to town were on the dock! At first I thought we were under attack by pirates, but when I looked closer I saw it was a houseboat complex run by Thooms. I wonder if they take payment in fish?
Well pfff! They didn't seem to want me there and it just made me even more homesick for my lovely tree house. There's also a Thoom on the dock selling tickets for another ship, but it always seems to be at sea and I don't know where it goes. Someday I'll find out!
And for the record, my jib is spectacular.
Til next time ~ Cammie

EDIT: Entry the 5.5th

Cammie's Story ~ More stuff that's there now that wasn't there before
While wandering through the East Forest to deliver a package to Cavra Treelife (no other reason to wander through East Forest really :P), I came upon the hallowed halls of the University of Puddleby. I remember when they had a few classrooms in Puddleby Hollows.
But where is everyone?
I hope classes resume someday! Or at least, I get invited to the next keg party.
Til next time,~ Cammie

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